Aug 18, 2016

How to stop worrying and start living by Dale Carnegie

1. What's the worst thing that can happen?
  • If you don't clearly define the worst thing, your brain will find a way to equate you getting E- to completely ruining your life.
  • In reality, the worst thing is never really that bad. Those are just your conscious or subconscious thoughts.
2. The absurdity of all.
  • Be thankful for what you have.
  • Then start your day with smile.
3. Staying busy.
  • Get busy with what you love and your brain simply won't even have the ability to worry. Because your brain can't think of two things at one time.
  • Improve yourself.
  • Do something you like (hobby).
  • Work on project you passionate about.
4. Would you sell your legs for 1 billion dollars?
  • No! Then stop wasting and treating it every hours and day because you already have something that really valuable; yourself.