Oct 3, 2016

The miracle morning by Hal Elrod

1. S.ilence
  • 10 things you're grateful for.
2. A.ffirmation
  • The more likely you tell yourself something will happen the more likely it is actually happen.
3. V.isualization
  • We can do anything imaginable but first we must imagine it.
4. E.xercise
  • Short workout has an amazing benefits.
5. R.eading
  • Try to aim for 10 page a day (something that will motivate & inspire your morning)
6. S.cribing
  • Write down your thoughts every morning (what i did yesterday, to do list today, things i'm grateful for)

Aug 18, 2016


"When you don't know someone, they're more interesting. They can be anything you want them to be. But when you know them, there's limits to them."

Time management by Kevin Kruse

1. Identify your most important task.
  • The closest to achieving your biggest goals.
2. Touch it once.
  • Instant action.
3. Carry a notebook.
  • Reduce stress by recording ideas and thoughts.
  • To learn more about yourself by generally.
4. The Pareto principle.
  • 80% results come from 20% of action
  • Figuring out of 20% of goals and activities that achieve 80% of results.
5. Stop making to do lists.
  •  Because people doing the quick tasks rathen than the most important tasks.
  • Cause unnecesary stress.
6. Establish a morning routine.
  • Example. Drink a glass of water. Workout. Take a shower. Read 10 pages. etc
7. Use dual monitors.
8. There will always be more to do.
  • Prioritize whats really important. 

NB. Time is the most valuable asset.

Men are from mars and women are from venus by John Gray

1. Mr. Fix-it and the home improvement committee.
  • Stop giving unsolicited advice.
  • Show compassion and listen.
2. Men got to their caves and women talk.
  • Men just need a space and women need to be listened.
3. Men like a rubber bands and women are like waves.
  • Listen and understand people when the talk.
4. Scoring points with opposite sex.
  • It's the little things that count/ matter.
5. Speaking different languages.
  • Look deeper and what is the underlying issue.

The art of seduction by Robert Greene

1. Create a false of security.
  • Don't be too direct with anyone when you first meet them.
2. Send mixed signals.
  • Make them like understand you but they don't (unfinished puzzle).
3. Appear to be an object of desire
  • Build a reputation of yourself.
  • Creating aura of desirability.
4. Create a need by stirring anxiety and discontent.
  • Install tension to your target's mind
5. Create temptation
  • Make a stronge curiosity.
6. Pay atention to detail.
7. Master the art of the bold move.
  • Never let the other person take you for granted.

How to stop worrying and start living by Dale Carnegie

1. What's the worst thing that can happen?
  • If you don't clearly define the worst thing, your brain will find a way to equate you getting E- to completely ruining your life.
  • In reality, the worst thing is never really that bad. Those are just your conscious or subconscious thoughts.
2. The absurdity of all.
  • Be thankful for what you have.
  • Then start your day with smile.
3. Staying busy.
  • Get busy with what you love and your brain simply won't even have the ability to worry. Because your brain can't think of two things at one time.
  • Improve yourself.
  • Do something you like (hobby).
  • Work on project you passionate about.
4. Would you sell your legs for 1 billion dollars?
  • No! Then stop wasting and treating it every hours and day because you already have something that really valuable; yourself.

Aug 17, 2016

Success is a journey by Brian Tracy

1. Set your goals, then go.
2. Always forward, never backward.
3. The only time you have is now.
4. Fly with eagles.
  • Surround with positive people.
5. Obstacles and difficullties come not to obstruct but to instruct.
6. Be clean on your goals and keep your mind open.
  • Willing to change.
  • Try something new.
  • Flexible.
7. No one does it alone.

NB. Bukan apa yang anda miliki tapi apa yang anda lakukan dengan apa yang kamu miliki. Bukan apa yang terjadi tapi bagaimana anda merespon apa yang terjadi. Respon anda pada kesulitan hidup adalah penentu sebenarnya tentang siapa anda dan bagaimana karakter anda. Karena anda akan mengetahui siapa diri anda sebenarnya ketika menghadapi kesulitan. Epictetus: Keadaan bukanlah yang membentuk diri seseorang tapi hanya mengungkap siapa dirinya.

Jack Kerouac

"So therefore I dedicate myself, to my art, my sleep, my dreams, my labors, my suffrances, my loneliness, my unique madness, my endless absorption and hunger because I cannot dedicate myself to any fellow being."

Relationship advice for men by David Deida

1. Your purpose must come before your relationship.
  • Be a roller coaster, fun path.
2. Don't force feminine to make decisions.
  • Be responsibility.
  • If your choose good for her than it's good for you.
3. What she wants is not what she says.
  • Experience.
  • Actually caring.
  • Female psychology.
4. You are responsible for the growth and intimacy.
  • Hold her hand and lead her.

How to be a Man by David Deida

1. Stop hoping for completion of anything in every aspects of your life.
  • If you're not doing it right now, probably you never going to do it.
2. Don't get lost in tasks and duties.
  • Maximize your time, pursued your purpose.
3. Be willing to change everything in your life.
  • Developing yourself = Imunity to change.
4. Live as if your father were dead.
  • There's no one in the world knows what you need to do better than yourself.
  • Respect everyone, takes peoples opinions but hold tou your deepest realization.
5. If you dont know your purpose, discover it right now.
  • If you had the money and all the time in the world what would you do?